Friday, September 7, 2012

Went it's complicated from in a relationship with Malaysia

I love Malaysia just because of 1 simple yet silly reason;
I am able to wear short pants without getting dirty flirt from random strangers

Unlike in Indonesia
It is hard to wear short pants without getting whistle from strangers
Suit suit... amoy amoyyyyy! 

Yes that is the most common line you can easily hear if you see a lady wear short pants

My relationship with Malaysia went quite well until..

I went through a deepest darkest night
when the first time in my life
my handbag was snatched by unknown thief

However, this is not the point that made me sad and disappointed the most
Despite I have lost quite large amount of money and ATM cards
I have figured out an extremely bitter reality in life

Here goes the 'exciting' part..

I went to police station and made a report
First thing they asked is not are you okay? What is your name? When was the incident happen?
But the asked,

You cina keh? (Are you Chinese?)

at that time I was so tired and I just nodded my head
In the end, they not allowed me to make a police report because I did not bring my passport

I never knew how smart the polices nowadays.
Can you imagine if I bring along my passport? It will gone together with my handbag and what is the point?
It just a big OH GOSH *face palm* for me

So, the next day which is today I went to another police station bring along my passport
Life is getting more interesting when the first question came out from a female police mouth was

You cina keh? (Are you Chinese?)

Honestly speaking, I opened my mouth around 3 seconds and wondering if it is appropriate to ask race matter when something terrible happened to victims.

So now I am getting smarter (I guess)
I replied,

No, I am an Indonesian

Seems not satisfied with my answer, she said,

Ya, Chinese Indon kan?

I gave her another face palm and said,

Half- half la miss
(hoping she can gave a wild guess that I am half Chinese half Korean haha!)

She reassured herself by saying,

Ya la, you Chinese

I was -.-

What a pathetic live when people put high attention in racial matters
I just do not get it until now
What's wrong being Chinese?
What's the point of having the culture of 1Malaysia then?
I never proud of being Chinese
And I never have the intention of not helping people who are different race with me
different race is not a good excuse of not helping others
We are humans afterall
When we die
whether our bodies will be buried or burnt
Don't you think that in the end, skin color does not matter anymore?
What I want to tell in my piece of writings is not to blame anyone
Please pay respect to people regardless their races, religions and ethnics
If you not start from now,
then who else will?

Remember, everything starts from yourself in order to make the world a better place to live.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


I have a staff
Her name is Annie
She was very clumsy
She has been working with me and my business partner for a month
Throughout one month she can't even make a pancake
Even my partner taught her thousand times
how to make a pancake
it is very simple and easy
Everyone can do it.
He always demonstrate how to make a pancake
demonstrate it very specific
and he said "this is how easy it is, now you make it for me and make sure it's same like I taught you earlier"

Yet, she still failed, failed and failed
until  my partner give up on her

I ask my partner to go out
and let me take care the stall
I came to Annie and said
"let's play a game called making pancake
You see how I make it for you one time
and you make one for me
you are feel free to make as many mistakes as you want
since boss is not here yet
lets finish the flour mixture
We got a lot to be wasted"

She made a very perfect pancake for me
without failed at all
I was shocked
She was more shocked than me either

However now I know the reason Annie can do very well
Because I am giving her chance to make as many mistakes as she wants
cause we are just human after all
Making mistake is very normal
No matter how well we do things in our lives
still there is point when we screw up
People make mistakes
many people stop trying
some of them keep trying but repeat the same mistake over and over again
but only few keep trying but change the approach and strategy until meet the success

For parents, teachers, and you
who never let yourself or your kids and your students make mistake
think again
because the mistakes that we make
can lead us to a bigger goal
can build us to become a better individual
as what Thomas Edison said

I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded
is another step forward

Thanks for giving few minutes of your time
to read my post
I wish you learn something today.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wake Up Call

It’s been like forever I never update anything AT ALL to this blog
My life has changed in 22 October 2011.
Few weeks before 22 October 2011, I received a call from my sister from China. She was very panic and she said, “Ci (Elder Sister), I heard papa is sick right now. Have you heard anything from mama?” At that time I was on the way to my class and I felt very much VERY MUCH horrible when I received her call.
I said, “No, Mama didn’t tell me anything” she asked me to call Indonesia the soonest she hang up the call.
I called my mom and she tried to calm me down by saying “Your dad is okay, don’t worry.”
I felt quite LOST at that time. I felt so useless, so powerless until I saw a booth about business competition that organized by MoneyTree.
I came there and registered with no specific reason. Maybe it because the useless feeling that I felt after receiving the call until I was so blur and zombically walked to that shiny booth. @_@
 Around 19 October 2011, I received an email about a business seminar organized by Entrepreneurship and Investment Club on 22 October 2011. 
I knew nothing about this club; I had a football match I wanted to watch so I really can’t join the seminar. However, there is a little voice inside my heart, telling me that I should go.
 Until now I don't know how I actually gave up my football match to attend 3 hours seminar it's still ZOMBIcally follow my heart
It was the first time in my life
I came to a seminar I did not know anyone around there
I knew nothing about business
in short, I get away from my comfort zone.

Here's the interesting part
I met three incredible speaker. Mr Rajeet, Mr. Brandon and Miss Carol.
Mr Rajeet began his speech with a short real story
it's about team of researchers analyse the importance of having a goal
So they went to an university and gave ONLY ONE question to 100 students who will be graduating soon.

The question is:
What is your GOAL?

78% of them did not have any goal at all. They only want to enjoy a long holiday after being free from uni life.
19% of them have their goal in mind
and only 3% of them can write down their goal very specific

The researchers observe their life journey for 10 years

and this is a very interesting result

after 10 years, the 19% of the group who had goal in their mind earn income 2 times more than the 78% of the group who had no goal
3% of them who has their goal very specific earn 10 times more than the income of the 78% + 19% group

Honestly speaking,
at that time, I feel his speech about the importance of goal 
slap me really hard
cause I don't have goal.
If there is no people beside me and if the seminar only consist of me and the speaker
I will cry
I have a lot of things to cry about
For 19 years
I have been sleeping beautifully and peacefully
without asking myself
What do you want in life?

I feel I have died for so many years
I feel sorry to myself
It was a wake up call for me

The soonest I reach home I write my goals very specific
I will tell you one of my goals is to share everything that I know from the seminar
to those who are willing to learn and grow
together with me

finally I wake up and starting from that day
I occupied myself with a lot of seminars to know more about myself
which I am going to share with you

I make a promise to myself that I am going to lift people higher

I have achieved few goals I wrote 7 months ago
I feel so much joy in me now
cause I know what I want and how to achieve it

So I encourage you all to have goals in your life

Have a good day!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Start from people around you.

Hi readers, 
It's been a while since my last post
Now, back to blog
I want to share something
about a life lesson today

So about few weeks ago,
my university asked communication students including me to participate
in world food day
the main idea is Taylors University promise to pack one million of instant foods 
for people who are dying in hunger in Somalia
What should I do was to collect as much as amount of money
to buy one million of foods
I was so passionate to ask people around me to donate
because this is the least thing I can help

today I am so angry with myself
Here the story goes..

I went to eat alone near my house
I ate mix rice without rice because I am on diet of carbohydrate
10 minutes later
four kids came to the stall and took away their foods
I saw all of them requested for a mountain of rice
they even asked to the shop owner
"how much does it cost if I buy rice with the egg's sauce?"
but the shop owner forced them to take at least one egg
can you imagine that
I feel so sad until now
I got enough money in my pocket to buy them a proper meal
I wanted to help them
but I do not know what was on my mind
until I just kept myself silent
My heart told me to say something
but my brain told me, "you better not, later people will judge you as a show off girl"
When they walked away,
 I am so ashamed with myself
I can asked people around to donate for people who I never seen before
but I cannot help those people who are needed around me
If I could turn back the time
I will ask them to get a proper meal
I think this is the least I can do
it's better than just sit down and get busy with my food

What Albert Einstein said is right
The world is dangerous not because of those who do harm, but because of those who look at it without doing anything

Lessons that I can learn from today:
Follow your heart.
You can start helping out people around you
Start from people in your environment
There is no point if we are so passionate in participating to reduce world's hunger
but we cannot help those who are needed right in front of our eyes

Monday, June 20, 2011

Lesson from a mechanic

Few months back
I watched Jason Statham's movie
called The Mechanic

in this movie
there's one of my most favorite scene
when a guy ask Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) 
to kill his best friend, Harry McKenna (Donald Sutherland)
because of internal political issue that force him to die

At that night in the parking basement
Harry knew that someone will kill him

but unexpectedly he found out that his own best friend
is the one who assigned to do this dirty job

When Arthur point the gun to him

Harry manage to calm himself down and let his best friend shoot him
before killing him, Arthur asked

Arthur: Why do you let me kill you?
Harry: Because if it's not you, somebody else will.

I really love this line
and this movie really inspire me to forgive people who hurt me
being hurt by people is part of our life
what we can do is to forgive them
and think if he/she is not the one who hurts me,
somebody else will.

Well readers, this is only my point of view
how you can twist your feeling
from being sad because of your friend betrayed you
or your partner cheated on you
into a better understanding about life
that will always upside down.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Music is the common language of the world.

This is a light talk between you and me.
I've been watching a Korean drama series called Dream High
I won't elaborate more about the story line
but there is a sentence that I like most

Music is the common language of the world.

It's really true
Have you ever listened to song that you don't know what is the meaning
but yet it engages to your emotional and it affect your feeling?

It often happened to me.
Whenever I listen to a song
with a sad melody
I can automatically be sad
even I don't know the language that they use

Have you ever felt the same way?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

the birth of A talking dust

Some loyal readers of by posts
often asked me
Why you name your blog A talking dust?

So here's my explanation

There are uncountable people in the world
who love to write just like me
who have worse condition compare to me
who been through a lot of hard times more than me
throughout those uncountable number of people
I feel super small
like a dust
who might be remain unseen
but this dust
able to touch people around it
and reach their heart through my pieces of writing

When I was in my first semester
one of my old lecturer said
To be successful you need two elements;
energy and wisdom
When you are young and green like this
you have lot of energy but lack of wisdom
When you are getting old like me
you have much wisdom but you don't have much energy left

and one of my classmate ask,
so how to be successful in the young age?

he continued,
you can gain wisdom through experiences
you can listen to other people experiences
so it will make you become wiser
and will avoid the same mistakes from their past

When I listen to my lecturer advice
I start to think
maybe I could write a blog
and can share my experiences and thoughts to people around me
at that time
the thought of making a Talking Dust was born