Monday, June 20, 2011

Lesson from a mechanic

Few months back
I watched Jason Statham's movie
called The Mechanic

in this movie
there's one of my most favorite scene
when a guy ask Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) 
to kill his best friend, Harry McKenna (Donald Sutherland)
because of internal political issue that force him to die

At that night in the parking basement
Harry knew that someone will kill him

but unexpectedly he found out that his own best friend
is the one who assigned to do this dirty job

When Arthur point the gun to him

Harry manage to calm himself down and let his best friend shoot him
before killing him, Arthur asked

Arthur: Why do you let me kill you?
Harry: Because if it's not you, somebody else will.

I really love this line
and this movie really inspire me to forgive people who hurt me
being hurt by people is part of our life
what we can do is to forgive them
and think if he/she is not the one who hurts me,
somebody else will.

Well readers, this is only my point of view
how you can twist your feeling
from being sad because of your friend betrayed you
or your partner cheated on you
into a better understanding about life
that will always upside down.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Music is the common language of the world.

This is a light talk between you and me.
I've been watching a Korean drama series called Dream High
I won't elaborate more about the story line
but there is a sentence that I like most

Music is the common language of the world.

It's really true
Have you ever listened to song that you don't know what is the meaning
but yet it engages to your emotional and it affect your feeling?

It often happened to me.
Whenever I listen to a song
with a sad melody
I can automatically be sad
even I don't know the language that they use

Have you ever felt the same way?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

the birth of A talking dust

Some loyal readers of by posts
often asked me
Why you name your blog A talking dust?

So here's my explanation

There are uncountable people in the world
who love to write just like me
who have worse condition compare to me
who been through a lot of hard times more than me
throughout those uncountable number of people
I feel super small
like a dust
who might be remain unseen
but this dust
able to touch people around it
and reach their heart through my pieces of writing

When I was in my first semester
one of my old lecturer said
To be successful you need two elements;
energy and wisdom
When you are young and green like this
you have lot of energy but lack of wisdom
When you are getting old like me
you have much wisdom but you don't have much energy left

and one of my classmate ask,
so how to be successful in the young age?

he continued,
you can gain wisdom through experiences
you can listen to other people experiences
so it will make you become wiser
and will avoid the same mistakes from their past

When I listen to my lecturer advice
I start to think
maybe I could write a blog
and can share my experiences and thoughts to people around me
at that time
the thought of making a Talking Dust was born

Advertiser is a hero

When I was in Junior High school
I wanna be a superhero
have an extraordinary ability
and save the world.
yeah, this is insane
Kindly blame all this fantasy movies.

As I grow up
and I enter college
take advertising subject
learn about a lot of famous advertisers
I realized heyy. I can be HERO!
just like Yasmin Ahmad

Why she can become a superhero?

She is the greatest Malaysian art director
She created a lot of TV advertisement
that touch people's heart

funeral advertisement

Hari raya advertisement 

Chinese new year advertisement

Tan Ho Ming in love

She try to influence Malaysia's society point of view
about love, family and unity
for me, she's the truly superhero

Thanks to Yasmin Ahmad.
She inspire me and a lot of Malaysia's society

at last,
when I get my degree
I still wanna be a SUPERHERO
superhero in a modern way just like Yasmin ;)