Friday, November 12, 2010

Letter to daddy

I'm a type of daughter who cannot say sweet things to people especially to the one I love most, my dad
I cannot express my feeling how much he meant to me and how much I love him more than any guys in this world

So I dedicated this letter to my dad. Hopefully someday, I can show him this letter
and I hope
I'm not too late

Dear daddy,
I used to ignore your presence because I found you are so plain and just concern on your work
everytime I share my stories only to mom, cause she is the one who care most
when I was a child, you like to scold me and usually I scold you back
Cause I thought you never know what is my feeling inside
you only care about your work

I went to a favorite high school in Jakarta
I took the most expensive English course
I had a private teacher to taught me Chinese language
I study overseas
I had three cupboards just for accommodate my clothes
this things suddenly SLAP MY FACE so hard till I realized
me, my sisters and my mom are eat up
your world
your time
your happiness
and yet, you never complain
never regret for what you have done to us
I used to say to my high school friends
how I wish I got cool parents like them
can spend their weekend with their parents
and I used to think, if in one week there are 8 days, 
would you give his time just for one day for me and my sisters?
I spend most of time
with you
why you never understand us?
why you never want to spend your time to hang out with us?
However, as the time passes.
I think, It's me who need to understand you more.
I know you have been very responsible to this family
you provide all your daughters the best one
even you can spend your money to take you around the world
but why you love us so much?
I feel very pain dad,
when you didn't care about your health
I feel so small and useless
I feel that I cant help you much
so, please dad..
can you give me time to make you believe that I can hand you a beautiful world?

PS: I miss you (too)


  1. :') u did ur best felle :) it's now time for u to make him happy :)
    ganbate! i always support u!

  2. thanks for ur support sophie =) and thx for read my post :D

  3. haha actually my real name is shinta cantik sekali =)

  4. haha aku baru sadar ci waktu buka profile cici haha dasarr. namanya ada" aja hahahah

  5. *touching*.. a great realization felle :)

    Well, only we ourselves who can change things.. Don't wait your dad to do things like your expectation.

    Maybe you can start with calling him to say good morning or good night or even telling him your stories :)
