Friday, August 13, 2010

it's already die

First time  you gave your heart I thought
I'm the luckiest girl on earth
How could it be me?
an ordinary girl who can't even use any make up
Not pretty and messy

My heart feels like wanna explode into a thousand little pieces of love
when you let me enter your life
when we are holding hands and walk through the night

I used to love you so much
even before I realized that you love me too

Every time I close my eyes
I hope this feelings never fade
and will last forever

'forever' should be remove from dictionary
forever is a lie
there is nothing in this world
last forever

I feel like a chewing gum
you chew it when it's sweet
and spit it when it's tasteless

First time you stab my heart
it's bleeding
sorry doesn't heal a broken heart
as long as I love you,
it doesn't matter
as long as I can still hear your voice,
it doesn't bother

Last time you torn my heart
it's not bleeding anymore
it's already die
your love will not make my heart alive
even if you try so hard
it's already die

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