Saturday, August 7, 2010

my dream

on April this year
for the first time
I know what I really want when I grow up
I wanna build a mental hospital

On 25th April 2010
I saw some horrible pictures
in Kaskus
It tells the condition in Cipayung asylum
damn tragic

I'm very angry with people who did this to them
Although they can't think properly
can't take care of themselves
but hey they still human
and they deserve a better life !

that's why
I wanna build a better future for them
I wanna become a part
to convince them
life is a never ending journey
that we should fight for
I believe I can cure them
I feel that they have get through so much pain
till they can't take it anymore
So they become like that

This is my biggest dream
before build an asylum
I have to work harder
to achieve my dream
and I hope my dream and
your dream
someday will become reality

we have to believe it friends
once again
we will when we believe LOL

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