Saturday, August 7, 2010

Do I have a heart ? (boring post no need to read)

I'm so confused
Have u ever felt
when u have someone
who is so adorable
so kind
like the child of God
but you not really sure
whether u love that person or not?

Maybe you all will think
when u have someone is kind
that's will be enough
I already have it
but I'm not happy yet
I feel something missing 
in my relationship
that person is kind
however that person is not really that into me
I know it
that's why I dare to post my feelings
I know that person won't read my post
eventhough I already told that person to read it
I don't feel any warmth

I love to lie
Maybe when I say I love u
Don't u ever trust me
cause maybe I only love my family
another boring post from me x(
many things in my mind
mixed like gado gado
I dont have friends to share
or someone who can comfort me
so I think this blog can be my loyal friend

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