Friday, August 6, 2010

Life is pain!

I feel life so pain.
Am I wrong?

I'm sitting next to my superhero
my role model
my inspiration
he's my dad

He suffers A LOT
In the morning a doctor said he can't cure my dad
He got coronary artery disease
chest pain
hardly breathe

Is there any way that he can share his pain?

Buddha said
Life is pain
Yes, it is!
We born
getting marry
and die
in order to live our life happily
we have to letting go our desire

But, please .
I'm just 18 years old girl
this is just too much for me
You will SERIOUSLY see me like this if the worst thing happen to my dad
My dad,
He is a workaholic
Do you think it's bad?
Everyday, he has to deal with dusts in the factory
disrespect retailers
and lazy employees
he forces himself too much until he didn't care about his body
He did this just to achieve his noble goal
he wants all his daughters not to be like him
he want us to study overseas
so we can get a better education
and we can work with our brain not with our muscle

When I was 17 years old
my dad came to me and said
dear, don't find a man who is good-looking
cause when both of you getting old
there's nothing you can proud of
all will be same and no longer beauty as the time pass
find a man who has a good-heart
you will proud of it until the end of your day.
Since then, I was very dazzled with his words
and make him as my role model

You must be familiar with this sentence
*People deserve a second chance*
But where is my chance to make him proud of me ?
at least I have to show him all his efforts won't be useless!
I won't ever ever ever letting go my desire
Not until I can make him proud of me
Not until I pay back all his efforts

So friends..
My heart so pain
just by starring my dad with his swollen eyes and painful expression
Do you think I deserve a chance?
I wish my dad will be recover soon
So my readers,
whatever your religion is
I hope you will praying for my dad
cause I believe
A true prayer can shake the heaven

Sabbe Satta Bhavantu Sukhitatta 

Wish all creatures who live in this world will be happy


1 comment:

  1. Felle, may your dad get well soon!! :)

    Anyway, the Buddha didn't say life is pain, but he said "Life is full of suffering" which is very true.

    In my opinion, I agree with you about the statement of "by letting go we can free from suffering".. However, it doesn't mean that we let go our feeling to our beloved ones. Letting go means letting go of our desire, ego, pride ..

    Felle, my advice is be in this present moment, don't blame the past or imagine the future for them are only illusion. Do the best you can do for your dad right now :) :)

    I am sure she is proud of you :)
